About Ben


Entrepreneur, Coach, Nerd, Athlete.

As a competitive athlete, Benjamin Velazquez realizes the value and potential that comes with a scientific sports program. As a strength coach and therapist, he has a goal to bridge the gap between cutting edge science and today’s athlete.

Ben’s professional experience includes Founding Partner and Director of Human Performance of Sports Lab NYC LLC and President of Grey Matters Sports Group.

He designs corrective rehabilitative programs and treats his New York clientele, which ranges from elite athletes to high profile celebrities.

Ben possesses a sixth intuitive sense to evaluate individual ability, and then determine suitable corrective action for overall improvement.

He has delivered over 200 seminars to over 1,000 sports professionals.

Ben is fluent in Spanish and is regarded as “a diplomatic no-nonsense, get-it-done-now and get-it-done-right” professional when dealing with people and projects.

He is recognized for his work ethic, motivation, and a commitment to sports excellence.

B.S. MFS Licensed Soma-Therapist (Performance Physical Therapy) Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach Member, International Sports Sciences Association Member, National Strength & Conditioning Association Member, American College of Sports…

Licensed Soma-Therapist (Performance Physical Therapy)
Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach
Member, International Sports Sciences Association
Member, National Strength & Conditioning Association
Member, American College of Sports Medicine
Co-Contributing Author, “Fascia – Clinical Applications for Health and Human Performance”

In addition to a B.S. degree in Aeronautical Science, Ben holds several certifications, which include NCSA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Licensed Performance Soma- Trainer, ACSM Exercise Specialist, ISSA Sports performance Nutritionist, and many more.